Monday, May 12, 2014

Five Things I Will Do During My Final Semester of School

1.  Find a better balance of school and family so I can transition from Student Momma Nurse to Momma Nurse.

2.  Read more of what I want to read.  Maybe not every night, but at least several times a week.

3.  Spend time with my friends.  Some of them are moving away at the end of the summer and it makes me sad.

4.  Do 1,576,396 practice NCLEX questions.

5.  Cry only three times the whole semester.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Five Things That Make My Mama AMAZEBALLS

My sister, Monique, her adorable daughter, my Mama, me, and my Brianna

1.  The woman can feed an army.  No really.

2.  Music runs in her blood.  And mine.

3.  She portrays such grace under pressure.

4.  Her testimony of the Savior is absolute.

5.  She somehow managed to not kill her very bossy oldest child.  Me.