Thursday, September 13, 2012

Five Things About Being Back in Class

1.  My laptop is my best friend.  Even though it is a PC.

2.  I go through a lot of gum.  It helps me think without taking in a lot of calories.

3.  I will wear out at least two highlighters per semester.

4.  Sleep is a luxury.  Studying is not.

5.  It's another step closer to my becoming an RN.

What's so great or awful about being back in class?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Five Things About My Parents

1.  They are completely devoted to one another.

2.  They taught me to love God , work hard, and serve others.

3.  They still smooch after prayer over a meal.

4.  They gave me the gift of music.

5.  They are finally spending their first anniversary with no children at home.  It only took 40 years!

What's unique about your parents?