Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Five Things I'm Grateful For Today

1.  Having three healthy children who teach me daily the meaning of patience and love

2.  Being able to wake up with a man who supports me and loves me through all things..

3.  The chance to become what I was put here on this earth to become.

4.  Music that lifts me when I need it, rocks me when I'm exhausted, and pushes me on as I study.

5.  A God who hears and answers my prayers.  Even when the answer is no.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Five Things I Love About Brianna

Happy 17th Birthday to Brianna!

1.  She is so witty and funny!

2.  Her kind heart towards those with disabilities puts me to shame.

3.  She is a great cook.

4.  Her eye for art and graphics is amazing.

5.  She is finally seeing who is she and who she can become.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Five Things I Love About Noodle

Happy 12th Birthday to Noodle!

1.  He is happy 95% of the time.

2.  He will often hold my hand when we are in a store together.

3.  He an ear for counter melodies that makes me jealous.

4.  His hair is crazy.  Always has been.  Always will be.

5.  His laughter is infectious.